Best Flutter Training in Kochi
STEPS Flutter Training is perfect to make the development time even quicker and expand the skills
to multi-platforms. It gives you an advantage when recruiting, since many software companies are
moving their front end tech stack to Flutter these days. This Flutter training course starts with basic
Dart programming principles and moves up to full-fledged mobile app creation for both Android
and iOS. Via STEPS Flutter training, we will learn about the end-to-end and deployment of app.
By the end of the training, each applicant will build a developer account and have at least one app
published in the App Store in their name that provides a strong basis for establishing themselves as
a Flutter developer.
- Developing Cross platform application using Dart
- Learn Core Dart
- Well-rounded, industry relevant curriculum and practices.
- Training conducted by established app developers.
- Project includes design, development and deployment of app
- Possibility to work on current live projects in the company based on performance.